- Nova ferramenta do Google promete resolver a vida de quem nao sabe desenhar… https://t.co/aoVcLZQuQT ->
- Menina exige que o tema de sua festa de aniversário seja ‘cocô’; e o resultado é estranhamente bom… https://t.co/sScAoM2pvR ->
- Pai leva as filhas a comer fora mesmo não tendo dinheiro para os três; imagem viraliza e gera corrente de amor… https://t.co/VeeRmpDiAG ->
- 8-year-old drives his sister to McDonald's after learning how to drive on YouTube https://t.co/Nlun0Ox7Wp ->
- Little girl’s adorable, creepy version of national anthem is honestly perfect https://t.co/ATwSnravzy ->
- This adorable little girl is all of us trying to remember how old we are https://t.co/7LYIV0xxxZ ->
- Cão de menino autista não sai de perto dele nem no hospital https://t.co/YE6M6us4sH ->
- Dedicated dad soothes his baby even when he's fast asleep https://t.co/XKRfkd2PFa ->
- Build A Pasta Dish And We'll Reveal Which Disney Princess You Are https://t.co/vILV3wc8yh ->
- Chill, parents. Amazon's new dashboard will let you see the content your kids are consuming. https://t.co/fWPuP4xrWl ->
- Dad Photoshops Baby Into Dangerous Situations to Freak Out Relatives https://t.co/GLMFsAVDBx ->
- Piloto ajuda mãe que viajava com 4 filhos, virou babá durante o voo ;-)… https://t.co/6kKT1b5LcF ->
- Kids Who Use Touchscreen Devices Sleep Less at Night https://t.co/UYVkURgWon ->
- Apple comemora o Dia das Crianças turco com três comerciais filmados por duas de 11 anos de idade https://t.co/JTt6CHDfHO ->